Monday, November 23, 2009

Flag Waving Propaganda

This iconic iPod advertisement has been used over and over again. It's a well executed form of flag-waving. It shows the ipod against a silhouetted person on a colorful background with the iPod being white. In TV ads there is movement and music added it to the commercial. Apple has been very successful with these ads as the sales of the iPod are vastly in front of any other similar mp3 player.

This poster is a Nazi flag-waving propaganda poster from WW2. It shows an SA member holding the Nazi flag proudly. This is almost a double up on the patriotism because of the Nazi armband displayed on his left arm. Obviously the man in the poster is patriotic and his patriotism should be seen to inspire the same in the viewer.

This poster inspires those who view it to remember Pearl Harbor. This instills a sense of patriotism in the Americans who do recall the events. Its use of a tattered flag seemingly atop a ship at the attack on Pearl Harbor depicts flag waving propaganda in the most commonly used form.

This is an M and M advertisement utilizing flag waving for a vote that took place in New Zealand and Australia. It depicts the red m&m as a communist with the proletariat mob rising up with red flags in a march for red. Excellent utilization of the flag waving propaganda style and a rather humorous one at that.